We’ve been on a journey, and by next year, we’ll be 20 years. We operated for 10 years as an interdenominational ministry, we were running services on Monday, until we came to a point members needed the Sunday service, and we were convinced about it.

So on November 1, 2015, we started Sunday worship service. The Lord has been faithful to put me as the Under shepherd to superintend over what is happening here. Was it as a result of an encounter or just loving God and the work ministry that got you to start Victorious Family?

I would say both. I was so passionate about Jesus. I celebrated my 30 years as a born again believer last year August 20; I celebrated 30 years of God’s faithfulness, and for me, that was so unique, because it was then that heaven knew me and my name was written in the Lamb’s book of life. That was also when everything turned around for me historically.

We started gathering people to pray, people were coming in, as we were sharing the word. We saw miracles happening, we saw God doing wonders, miracles were happening everywhere. So, it was passion to pray and then God started telling us what to do along the line that has brought us to where we are right now, that’s why I said it’s a combination of both.

So Victorious Family Church was built on the altar of prayer? We’re totally faith-based Church, the inspiration came from the scripture the Lord showed me, “And everyone that was in distress, and everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them…” (1Samuel 22:2). In the sense that God was telling me, “I’m bringing people that have nothing to you and you’re going to groom them up to become something in life.”

So, I wrestled with that for more than six months in prayers, but God said to me, “You have the capacity to make them become something…” If you look at those men who came to David at cave Adullam in 1 Samuel 22, they were nothing but in 2 Samuel 23:8, they had become the mighty men whom David had.
So, God said to me, groom them painstakingly, go through tough times with them; this is why our vision is to bring men to know God, to know who they are and who they are in God.

We make men here to understand God for themselves and exercise their faith in God. Faith is the fulcrum of this ministry, everything we have ever done is by faith. Though I’m a prophet by calling, but we have to exercise faith in God for what we have become today. Over the years, we have continued to exercise that faith, and we’ve seen the members grow from nothing to something.

I mean when we started, some of them who had nothing, who were zero are doing very well. You can call for half a million now and they bring it. So God is actually working; but it has been a continuous teaching, talking-to and mentoring. Ours is far beyond just running a Church, we reach out to those in need and all that. God has instructed me to run a model of ministry that Jesus ran, which is you preach to the people and feed them. So, it has been hectic, our welfare department is very active in this place because we feed people a lot. So, this is who we are. You were called into the office of a prophet and you’ve done ministry now for 20 years:

How do you look at the ministry of a prophet?
People misinterpret and misrepresent what the prophetic ministry is all about. Let’s not lose the fact that the first point we should all know is that the Bible, the scripture is a more sure word of prophecy (2 Peter 1:19). Often, what many do now is satisfying their belly; if you tie prophecy to material things, you have gone away from what God wants you to do.

Our members here will tell you that if you’re prophesying and you start attaching money to it, they will just look at you because that was not how I brought them up in the prophetic ministry. The prophetic ministry is simple: God shows you things, you tell people. Why is God showing you things? For two purposes; firstly, those things you can pray and it will be averted if the people actually repent, but if they don’t want to and they follow, they see the result of it. Secondly, the prophetic ministry is just to give direction. You are to give direction, you are both the gatekeeper and the watchman who sounds the alarm. It’s not to make merchandise of people.

But what many are doing today calling it prophetic ministry is what I call brainwashing ministry, because they just want to get into people’s pockets. And I’m not surprised about this trend because the Bible has already said that for this sort of prophets, their “God is their belly” (Philippians 3:19).

But what others do in the name of prophecy is to instil fear in the people just to gather them; when somebody gets your mind, he gets everything. Remember Job says, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me (Job 3:25). So, whenever your mind is gotten everything is gone. When once the devil instils fear in you, he gets you. You made a very profound statement here that anyone who gets your mind gets everything off you.

So how does believers have a mind that is not indulged?
Let them stop running to places they think they can have solutions. If only people can know the God they worship, in sincerity and in truth, they will not fall victims. And when people want solution to their problems, they don’t even care where they go, they become gullible, we need to always test the spirit, work on your mind. When the devil grabs your mind, he grabs you, the Bible says God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2Tim 1:7).

Can you give us a window into year 2025?
Oh, 2025 will be an awesome year. Now the crisis we face as a country will not go quickly, it’s going to run close to the middle of the year, but for us here in Victorious Family, he said; this is our year of Multiplied Grace. So, grace will be multiplied to us. He showed me that three months ago that, “I will multiply your grace; you are not running on the ordinary grace. It shall be grace that will keep you and you will stand where others are running away from.

You will tread the grounds where people are afraid to enter, you will enter territories that people say, ‘we can’t go in.’ You will walk through the valley of the shadow of death and not fear evil because His grace will be with you. It’s a year that God has decided to multiply his grace for us here. Many people are going to get things done, what they couldn’t do last year, they will do in 2025.

Things will happen in the positive light. We’re going to see the hand of God, not to everyone, but to those who will tune themselves to walk in Multiplied Grace.
Remember Apostle Paul said, my grace is sufficient unto you because I have the grace for you to weather the storm. The outlook for next year is multiplied grace. That grace will take us to the end.

What gives birth to this confidence?
The word of God. What he showed me, what the Lord speaks to me. I don’t know what he tells other pastors, but what he tells me. Have I seen him speak before and it comes to pass? Yes! Has he ever lied to me? No!
I don’t do things based on my knowledge. There are years that God doesn’t even speak to me until a few days to close it. There are years he doesn’t say anything, He just tells me continue. I think there was one year I said, well, I didn’t hear from him so what he said this year is what we’re continuing the following year. I live to do what he says, it has absolutely nothing to do with me, so whatever He speaks, that is where I stand.

How do believers appropriate this?
Believe this God. And when you believe God don’t be idle. That’s what I teach them here!, No matter how I prophesy to you, no matter the oil I pour upon your head, if you’re not out there doing something, you get absolutely nothing. That is why we’re on a kind of Pauline ministry here where I don’t have a pastor sit idle. Everybody go and work, get something to do, because if you’re not working, you’re going to be speaking fake prophecy just to meet your stomach needs.

So you believe in the marketplace ministry?
That’s what I do 100 percent; I’m a full practitioner of marketplace ministry. I go to work. I don’t even know how much the church is making. I don’t depend on that, I encourage everyone to go out there and get what to do. Don’t just sit down, because when you sit down, frustration can set in.

Apostle Paul says, ‘I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you (2 Cor 11:9); and so have I kept myself. Right now by the time we dedicate this temple, we’re going to have alkaline water factory, we’re going to have bakery, a printing press and apartments.
All those to run them are the people here in church, they will go there to work. We don’t encourage idleness for a minute. Get something doing to pay your school fees and take care of your bills. That is what makes the difference.

Kufre Sunday

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