By Pastor Umo Eno,PhD
You may be going through tough times even after serving God faithfully. It may seem as if heaven is silent, and nothing is working out. People may mock you, saying God has abandoned you.
Even Paul, who received great revelations, had a “thorn in the flesh” – a messenger of Satan to buffet him. Despite his prayers, God did not remove it but instead assured him, “My grace is sufficient for you.”
Every strong believer has a messenger of Satan assigned against them. But what sustains them through is God’s grace. Prayers do not always remove trials, but grace gives you strength to endure and overcome. Many people may assume all is well with you, but it is grace that covers your weaknesses. Grace gives courage to stand even after being hit hard by life’s challenges.
The enemy speaks to deceive and discourage, just as he did with Eve (Genesis 3). Be careful not to listen to his voice. Don’t slip into depression or despair. Even when people disappoint you, remember that God never fails. There are some lessons from the scripture above, such as:
Faith Through Trials (Romans 8:28)
Some things in life will not change, no matter how much you pray. But God works all things together for good for those who love Him. Like Job, rebuke the devil when he tempts you to give up. (Job 13:15). I pray that every set back in your life will become a stepping stone for your comeback. Learn not to be a child of God only when things go well with you.
Faith That Stands Strong (Job 1:8; Job 2:10)
Sometimes, God allows trials to prove your faithfulness before the enemy. No matter what you go through in Life, learn to rise up and acknowledge the supremacy of God. Let God be proud of you. Sometimes He wants to use you like Job to make a boast at the devil.
So don’t disappoint God. When Job’s wife told him to curse God and die, he refused. He understood that faith must endure both good and bad times. The early Christians suffered but never gave up on their faith.
The Grace To Endure And Overcome (Philippians 1:22; Romans 8:38-39)
Paul declared that nothing could separate him from the love of Christ.
It is Grace that sustains you in life’s journey when the world expects you to fail. When you believe in something, you must stand up for it. You believe in Jesus Christ, you must stand up for Him against all odds. When you are confronted with life’s issues. Lift up your hands even in the midst of all that and tell the world that Jesus is still Lord.
Paul said the life that I live is not mine…because to live is Christ and to die is gain. I pray for you that every evil the enemy intended against you, God will turn it around for your good. Don’t be deceived by people’s applause – they can turn against you at any moment. Only God remains faithful.
Understanding Grace And Life On Earth
Life is short – it is a borrowed gift from God. Use every moment wisely. Without Grace, life can be meaningless and burdensome.
Jesus’ greatest act of strength was not when he healed the blind, the sick or raised the dead but it was when He surrendered His life to death on the cross; making grace sufficiently available to all.
The Power Of Grace In Difficult Times
No matter what you face, know that God’s grace is always available. God’s grace brings healing and restoration. Grace empowers you to pick up the pieces of your life and move forward.
Grace strengthens you to overcome mountains and challenges. (Zec 4:7)
Daniel 3:18 – The Hebrew boys faced death because they refused to bow to Nebuchadnezzar. Grace gave them the boldness to stand firm.
Sometimes the mountain that stands before us won’t move, it is Grace we need to conquer and go through them. God will give us Sufficient Grace to overcome every temptation that comes our way. I pray that the Grace of God will see you through in all difficulties and no mountain will be able to stand against you in Jesus Name! Amen.
Father, give me Sufficient Grace to conquer every mountain that stands before me on my way to fulfilling destiny in Jesus name.
An Excerpt from the Message Delivered by H.E, Pastor Umo Eno Ph.D, Governor of Akwa Ibom State & Under shepherd of ANCMI